Les poissons du Fouta Dialon et de la Basse GuinéeA partir de : 21,76 €
L'empire peul du Macina. Volume 1: (1818-1853)Indisponible
La langue BozoA partir de : 50,00 €
Les poissons du Niger supérieurA partir de : 124,20 €
Des bords de Loire aux rives du Niger. Souvenirs autobiographiques (1919-1964)A partir de : 40,86 €
Poissons de Côte d'Ivoire (eaux douces et saumâtres)A partir de : 24,48 €
Catalogue raisonné des Mollusques bivalves d'eau douce africainsA partir de : 0,00 €
L'empire peul du Macina. Volume 1: (1818-1853)Indisponible
"The present volume is the fourth and the last one of the Check-list of the Freshwater Fishes of Africa. It has been written in the same style adopted for the preceding ones, following the principles explained at the beginning of the first volume. The text refers merely to the Cichlid family, numbered 61. It is only for convenience purposes, as announced in the Editor's note of volume 2, that the Cichlid family has been treated separately and not placed between the families 60 and 62, namely between the Nandidae and the Mugilidae. The present volume contains the following numbers of taxa: 143 genera and 870 species (subspecies excluded). The systematic part is followed by a list of some 3000 references, related to Cichlids and which are not quoted in volume 3. This bibliography must be considered as a complement of the volume 3 to which it must be always necessary to refer. In fine, the index contains only names used for Cichlids."
Quatrième et dernier volume d'un catalogue traitant des poissons d'eau douce de l'ensemble du continent africain soit 74 familles représentées et environ 2000 espèces.