Olympe Bhêly-Quenum, écrivain rebelle et visionnaireA partir de : 35,00 €
Essais et documentaires des Africaines francophonesA partir de : 16,80 €
Autour de L'enfant noir de Camara Laye: Un monde à découvrirA partir de : 19,50 €
“The Original Explosion That Created Worlds” is the first book entirely devoted to the Cameroonian Werewere Liking, one of the most important writers and innovative artists of post-colonial Africa. The book includes a wide-ranging collection of essays by some of Liking’s finest critics addressing her life and work, from her earlier fiction and social criticism to her later experimental drama, which has been produced on stages around the world. Several essays also look at Liking’s culture-based entrepreneurial work, in which she has attempted to establish a new economic support for African artistic expression.
Were Were Liking Gnepo (1950, Douala - ), d'ethnie bassa, est une écrivaine, chorégraphe et artiste camerounaise installée en Côte d'Ivoire où elle crééra à Abidjan le groupe théatral Ki Yi M'Bock. Elle est, avec Marie-José Hourantier, l'une des figures majeures du renouveau de l''esthétique du théâtre-rituel. Elle a recu le prix littéraire Noma pour son excellent ouvrage La Mémoire amputée.