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Were Were Liking Gnepo (1950, Douala - ), d'ethnie bassa, est une écrivaine, chorégraphe et artiste camerounaise installée en Côte d'Ivoire où elle crééra à Abidjan le groupe théatral Ki Yi M'Bock.

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  • Were Were Liking Gnepo (1950, Douala - ), d'ethnie bassa, est une écrivaine, chorégraphe et artiste camerounaise installée en Côte d'Ivoire où elle crééra à Abidjan le groupe théatral Ki Yi M'Bock.


"The Original Explosion that Created Worlds". Essays on Werewere Liking Art and Writings

Brill - Rodopi - Leiden - 2010
ISBN: 9789042029712
(Francopolyphonies, Volume: 8)
363 p. contributions en anglais et en français - 22,9 x 15,2 cm

Disponibilité éditeur: Disponible chez l'éditeur.

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 “The Original Explosion That Created Worlds” is the first book entirely devoted to the Cameroonian Werewere Liking, one of the most important writers and innovative artists of post-colonial Africa. The book includes a wide-ranging collection of essays by some of Liking’s finest critics addressing her life and work, from her earlier fiction and social criticism to her later experimental drama, which has been produced on stages around the world. Several essays also look at Liking’s culture-based entrepreneurial work, in which she has attempted to establish a new economic support for African artistic expression. 

Liking’s excellent but little-known poetry and art criticism, her iconoclastic novels and essays are all the subject of close critical attention in particular studies. There is also consideration of the challenges that her original language and fictional forms present to a literary translator. Liking’s work has provoked an extensive commentary, in the popular press as well as in scholarly journals and her critical reception both inside and outside of Africa is carefully examined. The final important inclusions are two plays by Liking published here for the first time in English translations– Liquid Heroes and This Africa of ours... 
“The Original Explosion That Created Worlds”: Essays on Werewere Liking’s Art and Writings may serve as an introduction to the work of one of Africa’s most important contemporary artists and one of the most astute commentators on the position of Africa in the new century. To those already familiar with Liking’s novels, poetry, plays, criticism or other cultural work it offers an expanded and deepened understanding of her working contexts and the amazing reach of her cultural expression. The book is of necessary interest to all readers, students, and scholars of postcolonial African literatures, of translation studies, and of gender issues.

 Were Were Liking Gnepo (1950, Douala - ), d'ethnie bassa, est une écrivaine, chorégraphe et artiste camerounaise installée en Côte d'Ivoire où elle crééra à Abidjan le groupe théatral Ki Yi M'Bock. Elle est, avec Marie-José Hourantier, l'une des figures majeures du renouveau de l''esthétique du théâtre-rituel. Elle a recu le prix littéraire Noma pour son excellent ouvrage La Mémoire amputée.

- Irène ASSIBA D'ALMEIDA, professeure de littérature africaine et de français à l'université d'Arizona aux Etats-Unis, est auteure de nombreux articles et ouvrages sur la littérature des femmes africaines.

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