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 MENGEL Ewald, BORZAGA Michela, ORANTES Karin (edited by) -  Trauma, Memory, and Narrative in South Africa. Interviews.

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  •  MENGEL Ewald, BORZAGA Michela, ORANTES Karin (edited by) -  Trauma, Memory, and Narrative in South Africa. Interviews.

MENGEL Ewald, BORZAGA Michela, ORANTES Karin (edited by)

Trauma, Memory, and Narrative in South Africa. Interviews.

Rodopi - Amsterdam / New York - 2010
ISBN: 9789042031029
(Matatu - Journal for African Culture and Society ; 38)
XIII-256 p. - 15 x 22 cm

Disponibilité éditeur: Disponible chez l'éditeur.

Prix public éditeur: 63,00 €

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63,00 €
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 Twenty years after the fall of apartheid, South Africa is still struggling with its traumatic past. In this interdisciplinary collection of interviews, prominent South African novelists, psychologists, and academics reflect on the issues of trauma, memory, and narrative.

The authors André Brink, Maxine Case, Sindiwe Magona, Susan Mann, and Zoë Wicomb recount their personal experiences of writing about trauma, discussing its literary-aesthetic relevance and potential. The psychologists Don Foster, Ashraf Kagee, Pumla Gobodo–Madikizela, and Miriam Fredericks reflect on traditional Western conceptualizations of trauma and the need to extend and even re-write trauma theory from a postcolonial perspective. In the third part, Neville Alexander and Alex Boraine look back on the achievements and shortcomings of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, describe the state of the nation, and underscore the need to relocate trauma structurally and historically. Annie Gagiano, Helen Moffett, Tlhalo Raditlhalo, and Chris van der Merwe show how trauma theory can open new horizons and create a new vocabulary for literary criticism by tackling issues of gender, representation, and genre.
All in all, these interviews provide fascinating insights into the present state of the South African soul, its current hopes and anxieties. Rather than claiming final answers to a complex and controversial issue, this volume aims at opening up debate and making a contribution to the already existing discussion about trauma in the South African context.
Interviews with South African Authors
- Articulating the Inarticulate: An Interview with André Brink
- Washing Dirty Linen in Public: An Interview with Zoë Wicomb
- The Magic of Writing: An Interview with Sindiwe Magona
- Speaking Through Silences: An Interview with Susan Mann
- The Things We Still Don’t Say: An Interview with Maxine Case

Interviews with South African Psychologists
- Political Violence, Children, and Trauma Response: An Interview with Miriam Fredericks and her Team
- But Even Bodies Never Speak Pure Languages: An Interview with Don Foster
- Testing the DSM Model in South Africa: An Interview with Ashraf Kagee

Interviews with South African Academics
- Commissioner of Transitional Justice: An Interview with Alex Boraine
- Vanitas Vanitatum: An Interview with Neville Alexander
- A Better Past: An Interview with Pumla Gobodo–Madikizela and Chris van der Merwe
- De-Othering, the Perpetrator: An Interview with Annie Gagiano
- The Grand Narrative of Life: An Interview with Tlhalo Raditlhalo
- Gender Is a Matter of Life and Death: An Interview with Helen Moffett

Biographical Notes
Notes for Contributors
Ewald Mengel is Professor of English and American Literature at the University of Vienna. He has published books on Dickens, Pinter, the novel, translation, and twentieth-century drama. His current research interests include IT applications in English studies and the contemporary South African novel.
Michela Borzaga studied English at Salzburg, Belfast, and Stellenbosch, and is currently completing research for a doctoral dissertation on trauma and the contemporary South African novel.
Karin Orantes studied English, Spanish, and Geography at the University of Vienna. She is currently working on her doctoral dissertation, on the evolution of the South African memoir over the last several decades.