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 ANDREWS Janet - Bodywork, dress as cultural tool : dress and demeanor in the south of Senegal

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  •  ANDREWS Janet - Bodywork, dress as cultural tool : dress and demeanor in the south of Senegal


Bodywork, dress as cultural tool : dress and demeanor in the south of Senegal

Brill - Leiden - Boston - 2005
ISBN: 9789004141070
(African social studies series ; 07)
XI-254 p., ill., cartes - 24 x 16 cm

Disponibilité éditeur: Disponible chez l'éditeur.

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 This book looks at the encounter between dress and the body. In the social sciences, dress tends to be viewed as a form of communication, a way in which the wearer gives expression to his or her ideas or situation. 'Bodywork',

rather than looking at what people do with their clothes, looks at what clothes do with the wearers. In the context of three small West African communities – Muslim, Christian and Animist – the book describes the dress styles and dress practices of the villagers and shows how a particular way of dressing influences the body's demeanour and habit. It considers thereby the role played by dress in the enculturation of the body
Ch. 1. Introduction
Ch. 2. Dress : a form of communication or a cultural tool?
Ch. 3. The Basse Casamance in context
Ch. 4. Samatite : balance, continuity and the working body
Ch. 5. Santiaba : hierarchy and the performing body
Ch. 6. M'lomp : Christianity, education and the enclosed body
Ch. 7. Postscript : dress in the city
Ch. 8. Conclusion